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Walk Around ( Close-up Magic Act )

Also known as strolling or roving magic, walk-around magic involves a magician walking around and mingling with people, doing close-up magic tricks in a personal setting. Magician will stroll from table to table, or group to group, performing a variety of tricks, including solving a Rubik’s cube in under 25 seconds, making balls appear from thin air, and finding cards in impossible places.
Performance Details
No. of Performers Magician and 2 Assistants
Performance Duration 1 Hour to 2 Hour (Depends on the crowd )
Requirements from client
Accommodation Room required in 3 star hotel or above for Magician and 2 Assistants
Travel It is required for magician and 2 assistants. Air or Train (AC 2 Tier ) Tickets from bangalore to event venue and back.
Green Room 1 Green room to be provided. The dressing rooms should be equipped with fridge, chairs, table, mirror, a sofa and have easy access to the stage. There should be adequate plug points. Hot water/Cold water/Green Tea/Black tea & Black coffee is to be provided in both rooms along with snacks.
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